Rock the Reception
Lansing's Finest Ballroom & Wedding Instruction
text or call to reserve your private: 517.712.5887
It's best to prepare for your first dance with the same care you give to your invitations, gowns, catering, flowers, and music. Start planning at least six months prior to your wedding date so that you can choose your special song, the type of dance you want to do, and take lessons before "wedding frenzy" sets in! However, if you find yourself in a last minute crunch -- Platinum Dance Academy is at your service! We are unique in our method and we guarantee your first wedding dance will knock the socks off your family and friends.
Taking dance lessons to prepare for a first wedding dance is quite popular, no doubt you've attended a wedding reception and witnessed other couples performing their routines. I'm sure you will agree that it's much more pleasing to watch compared to a couple that just stands there swaying back and forth.
We teach you to perform with confidence. Our students do not count their routines while they are dancing and do not in any way look like they took dance lessons. Normally, this takes an average of only 5-12 lessons for most couples.
The studio has observed couples performing their routines on their wedding day and have witnessed the reaction of the guests. Without exaggeration - it's quite a show. All eyes will be locked on you and your spouse dancing in unison with the music, gliding across the floor.
Instructor & studio owner, Shelley Thomas has been teaching ballroom and wedding lessons for over 20 years. She has danced competitively and is certified in American style ballroom. Beginning through advanced lessons in foxtrot, waltz, salsa, merengue, west coast swing, east coast swing, hustle, night-club two step, tango, rumba, cha-cha, and bachata.
For private lessons, text or call 517.712.5887 or email us at: For group classes please see schedule above.
“It’s an experience that is well worth the effort.... and a memory that will last forever.”